It is good to be back at my computer writing my thoughts to share.
So much has happened, please reflect today on what you have to be thankful for!
While in the Midwest we sit with our Apple cider, buy those wonderful seasonal apples to prepare
Apple pie, Apple Crisp, can apples and prepare for family gatherings.....let's remember
those who have lost loved ones by way of violence, hurricanes and to natural causes.
There is someone who won't be at the table but draw closer to those who
are! Celebrate and enjoy your loved ones!
It is Breast cancer awareness month, but there is a woman who just received the news;
A woman currently going through chemo but still she walks with HOPE.
There is another woman who has gone into remission....she is gearing up to
To support another woman!!!!!
I'm reflecting with Hope!!!!
So much has happened, please reflect today on what you have to be thankful for!
While in the Midwest we sit with our Apple cider, buy those wonderful seasonal apples to prepare
Apple pie, Apple Crisp, can apples and prepare for family gatherings.....let's remember
those who have lost loved ones by way of violence, hurricanes and to natural causes.
There is someone who won't be at the table but draw closer to those who
are! Celebrate and enjoy your loved ones!
It is Breast cancer awareness month, but there is a woman who just received the news;
A woman currently going through chemo but still she walks with HOPE.
There is another woman who has gone into remission....she is gearing up to
To support another woman!!!!!
I'm reflecting with Hope!!!!