I’ve missed our time together but I have lots to share....Stay tuned!
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Monday, October 10, 2016
The Season has changed and I've missed you!
It is good to be back at my computer writing my thoughts to share.
So much has happened, please reflect today on what you have to be thankful for!
While in the Midwest we sit with our Apple cider, buy those wonderful seasonal apples to prepare
Apple pie, Apple Crisp, can apples and prepare for family gatherings.....let's remember
those who have lost loved ones by way of violence, hurricanes and to natural causes.
There is someone who won't be at the table but draw closer to those who
are! Celebrate and enjoy your loved ones!
It is Breast cancer awareness month, but there is a woman who just received the news;
A woman currently going through chemo but still she walks with HOPE.
There is another woman who has gone into remission....she is gearing up to
To support another woman!!!!!
I'm reflecting with Hope!!!!
So much has happened, please reflect today on what you have to be thankful for!
While in the Midwest we sit with our Apple cider, buy those wonderful seasonal apples to prepare
Apple pie, Apple Crisp, can apples and prepare for family gatherings.....let's remember
those who have lost loved ones by way of violence, hurricanes and to natural causes.
There is someone who won't be at the table but draw closer to those who
are! Celebrate and enjoy your loved ones!
It is Breast cancer awareness month, but there is a woman who just received the news;
A woman currently going through chemo but still she walks with HOPE.
There is another woman who has gone into remission....she is gearing up to
To support another woman!!!!!
I'm reflecting with Hope!!!!
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Gathering in the Garden
Reggie the overseer |
She told the overseer; she didn't see any results from the week before.
He responded, "Growth takes time, but if you look at the ground closely, you will see the leaves sprouting."
He then helped us place the plants in the ground. I learned even though they began their growth elsewhere, they still would have to take root just like the seeds. We had to water them with the sprout tip can instead of using the hose. He showed us the effects of hose watering verse
seedling or the plant. You basically drown your seeds. What happens next?
You have to start over and replant.
Are you wondering why I'm pointing this out? I'm glad the thought crossed your mind. When I began blogging last month, I asked who will journey with you? You've had some time to think about this one. Look at all of the people in the garden. They each have an area where they are planting seeds. In life,
this will be the community you live in. The seeds and plants are the lives of those you will come in contact with. There will be people of different age groups, who
will require you to plant a seed or give them water. The seed may be an idea,
the water may be encouragement; some form of nurturing which will help the person to grow. The person who journeys with you may be the one who helps you prune the garden in which you live or shall I say community. When the seeds and plants reach maturation, the produce can be shared with others. You would be amazed at the conversations I heard in the garden. Men and women offering the produce to those around them. It truly was a community. It didn't matter where you came from,
the color of your skin wasn't important, the only purpose each person had was journeying through the garden together. The Garden of Life (Zoe in Greek) is the garden where people gather for a Purpose!!!!
Blogs to come.....Men of Purpose; Women of Purpose Stay tuned!!!!!!
Minister Jackie presenting a new way to garden |
Friday, July 15, 2016
Gardening for relaxation or Purpose
Last weekend, I decided to do something different. I went to my stepsister's church to help plant
vegetables and spices. I did a little research and I concluded it was too late in the season to begin such a task. I proclaimed we need at least 100 days for tomatoes. I soon learned there were tomato plants I could purchase as well as winter greens and or "silk" greens. I was fascinated by the separation of different vegetables. Some you must create a vine for. The overseer started to tell us a little about gardening as he broke up the soil. I followed every movement of the overseer, so I could plant our seeds correctly.
He then showed us where the main water supply was, how to spread the water with the jugs, and when we
could use a hose instead of a jug. The overseer showed me other plots who had tomatoes on the vine, and I seen big zucchini ready to be picked. Only, it would be difficult to get to without long gloves because the leaves are prickly. I learned all summer squashes have this in common.
This made me think about the garden of Eden.
Genesis 2:15 - And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. (KJV)
My plan was to go learn how to garden, fellowship with my step-sister, and get some vegetables and spices for my home. All I had to do is put in a little elbow grease. Well, I couldn't have imagined being Adam receiving the garden of Eden to dress and keep.
Hence, the overseer's job, his Purpose was:
1. Plan: Get the soil ready,
Action: He moved the soil around it around broke it up ( in ministry, the soil would be the hearts of man)
2. Plan: Separate Seeds Vegetables which will grow in the ground verse on the vine
Action: The overseer placed the seeds in a specific location in the soil.
( in ministry, a specific person placed to share a specific message to a specific audience,
everyone won't receive the same message from the same person )
3. Plan: Watch over the seeds and pay attention to the weather, watch for unwanted pests
Action: Water seeds with a watering container with spout until the seeds take root. They require sunlight.
Once the seeds have taken root; you can water with hose
sprinkle organic powder to rid your garden from bugs who will eat leaves
( in ministry, someone else will come and bring another message to help the first message stay on your
mind and eventually transfer to permanent resident in your heart) Pruning comes later.....
So, I'm ready to plant some more items tomorrow. I'm gardening for relaxation but I can see how God intended gardening for purpose.
My question to my fellow readers; Are you allowing yourselves to relax and do something fun OR is
everything you do geared toward some purpose????
vegetables and spices. I did a little research and I concluded it was too late in the season to begin such a task. I proclaimed we need at least 100 days for tomatoes. I soon learned there were tomato plants I could purchase as well as winter greens and or "silk" greens. I was fascinated by the separation of different vegetables. Some you must create a vine for. The overseer started to tell us a little about gardening as he broke up the soil. I followed every movement of the overseer, so I could plant our seeds correctly.
He then showed us where the main water supply was, how to spread the water with the jugs, and when we
could use a hose instead of a jug. The overseer showed me other plots who had tomatoes on the vine, and I seen big zucchini ready to be picked. Only, it would be difficult to get to without long gloves because the leaves are prickly. I learned all summer squashes have this in common.
This made me think about the garden of Eden.
Genesis 2:15 - And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. (KJV)
My plan was to go learn how to garden, fellowship with my step-sister, and get some vegetables and spices for my home. All I had to do is put in a little elbow grease. Well, I couldn't have imagined being Adam receiving the garden of Eden to dress and keep.
Hence, the overseer's job, his Purpose was:
1. Plan: Get the soil ready,
Action: He moved the soil around it around broke it up ( in ministry, the soil would be the hearts of man)
2. Plan: Separate Seeds Vegetables which will grow in the ground verse on the vine
Action: The overseer placed the seeds in a specific location in the soil.
( in ministry, a specific person placed to share a specific message to a specific audience,
everyone won't receive the same message from the same person )
3. Plan: Watch over the seeds and pay attention to the weather, watch for unwanted pests
Action: Water seeds with a watering container with spout until the seeds take root. They require sunlight.
Once the seeds have taken root; you can water with hose
sprinkle organic powder to rid your garden from bugs who will eat leaves
( in ministry, someone else will come and bring another message to help the first message stay on your
mind and eventually transfer to permanent resident in your heart) Pruning comes later.....
So, I'm ready to plant some more items tomorrow. I'm gardening for relaxation but I can see how God intended gardening for purpose.
My question to my fellow readers; Are you allowing yourselves to relax and do something fun OR is
everything you do geared toward some purpose????
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Which Color Are YOU????
Which Color Are YOU?
My skin is dark, my eyes are brown, but I love my skin when......
My skin is light, my eyes are green, but I love my skin when......
My skin is white, my eyes are blue, but I
Love my skin when....
My skin has yellow undertones, my eyes are slanted but I love my skin when....
My skin is fair, my eyes are brown, but my hair is jet black but I love my skin when....
My skin is mixed, my eyes are brown, I have yet to feel comfortable in my skin, I always feel like I have to choose one color or another.... It makes it hard to love my skin when.....
I love my skin when you understand it is a covering for all of me however, OUR blood is red!
I love my skin when you treat me as an individual....
Who has a mind, and an opinion no matter my gender
I love my skin when it disappears...
LOL "oh don't be silly now; the skin you are in can't disappear"
"Sure it will!!!!
Cause when I open my mouth to speak
I'm no longer a person that you identify with a group....
A group that you love
A group that is persecuted
A group that you judge
A group that you feel is beneath you
A group who makes you feel unsafe"
"Hey can I pick the group I belong to?"
"No, that's decided before you are born but the mindset of the individual who is apart of the group, who is responsible for your growth is responsible for your mindset
SO YOU can love your skin when..."
When someone asks you what's the name of your group, so they can identify/categorize You Correctly!!!
Simply Respond, I'M HUMAN!
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Views of Summertime past vs the reality of today's summertime
We all know there are four seasons in a year. Children are happy because they get two months off from school and they try to convince their parents to take them to summer camp. Camp gives the kids a chance to spread their wings, learn new things, meet new people. If camp is not an option, then spending the summer with grandparents is on the bucket list. The children know grandma and grandpa will take them to parts unknown, spend lots of money on them and send them back home more spoiled than ever! The grandparents plan trips to California, New York, Wisconsin Dells, and Door County if you are in Wisconsin. Those were the simple days...Check out the videos included from Will Smith and Fantasia Barreno! Will is rapping about Summertime and Fantasia is singing a Gershwin rendition of Summertime;
both offering you a different point of view:
1. Will Smith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kr0tTbTbmVA
2. Fantasia Barreno https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGnak9GsiOY
My point is the canvas of summertime today has changed.
Today, we are viewing news reports of two separate police shootings, one in Louisiana and one in Minnesota and then if we add on 82 shootings and 14 dead in Chicago over the 4th of July weekend,
what do we have? A different view of Summertime....a different view of our youth and the men in blue!
My heart goes out to the mothers of the fallen, as the nations leaders continue to look at gun legistlation
perhaps we should start taking a closer look at the mental stability/Ptsd cases concerning the men in blue.
What kind of tests are there for those entering the police academy? Is there something deeper going on,
a fear, a need to control, or feel empowered because you are legally authorized to carry a firearm?
When I was on active duty and pulled guard duty, my M16 wasn't loaded. It was meant to intimidate.
Perception vs reality in these shootings is key. How can you perceive a man face down with handcuffs on as a threat or a man reaching for his driver's license as a threat? What are the officers in blue being taught these days? Some of them either really hate people of color or they are not thoroughly processing the situations they find themselves in. You can't dismiss actual events, policy and procedure and then state danger was present.
Prior to the holiday weekend, I prayed for safety and no gun violence in Milwaukee WI.
Independence day 2016 would represent a true day of freedom. We have to be free to live, laugh and
once again enjoy our summertime.
While my prayers will change and include peace in this nation, it will also include getting to the root of the problems in the lives of our police officers. We all have some issue in our lives that we must work at, but ignoring our issues will prevent us from growing. Ignoring personal issues, will prevent our men in blue from truly protecting and serving others. My prayer is for those officers who are struggling, face yourselves
be honest so the people in your communities can once again trust and believe in you; not only during Summertime but for every season that you put on a uniform.
Leaders, churches and communities start working together and get back to the basics...
It takes a village to raise a child...the children of today must not find their worth or power when
they pick up a gun. They must learn about their worth from those who are entrusted to care for them.
I'm going to continue to believe in the power of prayer to change the canvas nationwide...
so we can enjoy Summertime!
both offering you a different point of view:
1. Will Smith https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kr0tTbTbmVA
2. Fantasia Barreno https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGnak9GsiOY
My point is the canvas of summertime today has changed.
Today, we are viewing news reports of two separate police shootings, one in Louisiana and one in Minnesota and then if we add on 82 shootings and 14 dead in Chicago over the 4th of July weekend,
what do we have? A different view of Summertime....a different view of our youth and the men in blue!
My heart goes out to the mothers of the fallen, as the nations leaders continue to look at gun legistlation
perhaps we should start taking a closer look at the mental stability/Ptsd cases concerning the men in blue.
What kind of tests are there for those entering the police academy? Is there something deeper going on,
a fear, a need to control, or feel empowered because you are legally authorized to carry a firearm?
When I was on active duty and pulled guard duty, my M16 wasn't loaded. It was meant to intimidate.
Perception vs reality in these shootings is key. How can you perceive a man face down with handcuffs on as a threat or a man reaching for his driver's license as a threat? What are the officers in blue being taught these days? Some of them either really hate people of color or they are not thoroughly processing the situations they find themselves in. You can't dismiss actual events, policy and procedure and then state danger was present.
Prior to the holiday weekend, I prayed for safety and no gun violence in Milwaukee WI.
Independence day 2016 would represent a true day of freedom. We have to be free to live, laugh and
once again enjoy our summertime.
While my prayers will change and include peace in this nation, it will also include getting to the root of the problems in the lives of our police officers. We all have some issue in our lives that we must work at, but ignoring our issues will prevent us from growing. Ignoring personal issues, will prevent our men in blue from truly protecting and serving others. My prayer is for those officers who are struggling, face yourselves
be honest so the people in your communities can once again trust and believe in you; not only during Summertime but for every season that you put on a uniform.
Leaders, churches and communities start working together and get back to the basics...
It takes a village to raise a child...the children of today must not find their worth or power when
they pick up a gun. They must learn about their worth from those who are entrusted to care for them.
I'm going to continue to believe in the power of prayer to change the canvas nationwide...
so we can enjoy Summertime!
Monday, June 27, 2016
Lord, can I have a Do-over???
Have you ever had one of those weeks, that you wish you can repeat??
This past week has been filled with confusion, frustration, health concerns, and broken relationships....
You begin to ask, how must I prioritize this mess to complete potential tasks before me???
In the midst of it all, the phone is either ringing or vibrating, all you want is a confirmed
get away at the Sundara Spa & Resort!
You soon realize you must take this part of your journey one moment at a time!
You can have the best intentions, and attempt to walk with integrity but know there may
Be someone who has summed up your worth; they will treat you a certain way based on that assignment. It doesn't matter what the relational was..... You are either expendable or valued highly,
Which will depend on the underlying motives of others.
Beyoncé quoted her grandmother on her latest album, when you have lemons make lemonade!
Well I say, design your message with the lemon peel and dip into some colors of your choice
And then post the message:
1. Stay true to yourself !
2. Pursue peace with all men!
3. Let grown ups make their own decisions !
4. Express your intentions boldly but with integrity!
5. Pray for those who don't understand the gifts God has placed in you!
6. Hold your peace but stand your ground in conflict ... Lol almost seems like a contradiction !
7. Pray and let God work out the rest!!!!!!!!
God will not allow you a do- over week, but he is like the American Express Card
You don't EVER leave home without him!!!!!
After, all the carving and dipping into color, this Lemonade was the best I've ever had!!!!!!
Thank you Lord,
For your recipe!
This past week has been filled with confusion, frustration, health concerns, and broken relationships....
You begin to ask, how must I prioritize this mess to complete potential tasks before me???
In the midst of it all, the phone is either ringing or vibrating, all you want is a confirmed
get away at the Sundara Spa & Resort!
You soon realize you must take this part of your journey one moment at a time!
You can have the best intentions, and attempt to walk with integrity but know there may
Be someone who has summed up your worth; they will treat you a certain way based on that assignment. It doesn't matter what the relational was..... You are either expendable or valued highly,
Which will depend on the underlying motives of others.
Beyoncé quoted her grandmother on her latest album, when you have lemons make lemonade!
Well I say, design your message with the lemon peel and dip into some colors of your choice
And then post the message:
1. Stay true to yourself !
2. Pursue peace with all men!
3. Let grown ups make their own decisions !
4. Express your intentions boldly but with integrity!
5. Pray for those who don't understand the gifts God has placed in you!
6. Hold your peace but stand your ground in conflict ... Lol almost seems like a contradiction !
7. Pray and let God work out the rest!!!!!!!!
God will not allow you a do- over week, but he is like the American Express Card
You don't EVER leave home without him!!!!!
After, all the carving and dipping into color, this Lemonade was the best I've ever had!!!!!!
Thank you Lord,
For your recipe!
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