The lady in the photo is on a path and I'm not sure what her destination is...
This caused me to ponder on a quote written by Howard Thurman:
"There are two questions that we have to ask ourselves. The 1st is " Where am I going?" and
the 2nd is "Who will go with me?"
If you ever get these questions in the wrong order , you are in trouble.
As a kid, I remember planning with my grade school classmates, which state we would live in and our career choices. Thirty plus years later, I'm wondering which path did the other three take and who journeyed with them or did they opt to travel alone.
As I get older, my destination determines who travels the path with me.
How about you? Why?
Is going alone an option
Good question! As a Christian, I believe you can never walk alone. i believe God accompanies you on the journey, even if that means he has to carry you to a destination or places another in your life to be a support system as you go.
That being said, I to am a Christian and I believe this to be true. You made the comment, or will you go alone. Where I am going, I don't have the full picture but I'm on that path which is non profit. Who will go with me, my obedient to God family. My submission to Him will show me the others that he will put in my path to help us along the way.
I am on a journey with Christ so being alone is apart of this journey!
Good evening Minister Jackie,
Please elaborate.
As I walk with Christ to hear him speak I have to walk away from others to completely hear the Holy Spirits and the direction he has for me...
There may be others you will encounter along your journey who don't know Christ; do you have any words of encouragement for them?
Is that like a sabbatical and when you receive what the Lord has to give you, you get back to the war with a better strategic plan?
I always have it would've encouragement for others! We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God! I can't judge them because you can't judge a person the heart. So what I say to them is, "we all make mistakes, it's important that we forgive ourselves, turn from our wicked ways, and look to God for the healing that only he can give us!" I pray that answers your question Hope R Smith
Now to answer your question anonymous yes that is like a sabbatical. Yes, I always come back and share what God has given me! Often time when going on a sabbatical it is to help us retain God strategy and plan therefore we are better equip to war against the things of this world! I am at my best when I spend time alone with God! At that point is no longer me but the Christ that lives in me.
Thank you Minister Jackie, no we should not judge others, but we definitely help others to prevent them from making mistakes. There are people out there who view Christians as fanatics but we aren't. We love the Lord and each other, we hope to show them Christ through our lives.
Sabbaticals/retreats are necessary so we can be rejuvenated; we are often so busy with life that we forget to rest. We gain insight about our lives, clarity when we retreat. Thank you both for your thoughts!
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